This is my repository for all my free files. Files are provided for your personal use; under no circumstances can you sell any of these files.
Everything is organized CHRONOLOGICALLY, meaning new helps are near the top.
Beneath the chronological list is a category specifically for the Cheat Sheets.
Tip: You can search this page! Just press Command + F (Mac) or Control + F (Windows) to find what you seek.
All links are set to open in a new tab in your browser.
Want me to create a specific resource? Send me an email at and let me know!
- Form I Loop Schedule (see full write up at How to Make the Best Loop Schedule to Banish Overwhelm)
- Form I Weekly Schedule - 5 Day (see full write up at Form I Timetables for Today)
- Book of Centuries (see how to use one at How to Make an Authentic Book of Centuries)
- I Wonder ... Nature Study Questions
- Exams step-by-step cheat sheet (see tutorial at Step-by-Step Tutorial to CM Exams)
- Create a Healthy Home Rhythm cheat sheet (see tutorial at How To Create a Healthy Home Rhythm)
- Essential Resources for your CM homeschool cheat sheet (see full write-up at 6 Essential Charlotte Mason Resources you can't live without)
- Heathen (Germanic Pagan) Curriculum Outline (see write up at Is Charlotte Mason Only for Christians?)
Cheat Sheets
- Exams step-by-step cheat sheet (see tutorial at Step-by-Step Tutorial to CM Exams)
- Create a Healthy Home Rhythm cheat sheet (see tutorial at How To Create a Healthy Home Rhythm)
- Essential Resources for your CM homeschool cheat sheet
(see full write-up at 6 Essential Charlotte Mason Resources )